Let falling leaves lie. The leaves that fall on the dirt, grass, or planting beds. Just leave them be and only rake up the ones on the concrete sidewalks and patios. {not up for raking, then grab a blower and blow them away}. Alright, perhaps you have a little bit more time on your hands, in … [Read more...]
Sustainable Gifts for the Holidays!

Every year at this time I try to think of some little gifts for our friends, neighbors, and school teachers. I’m not too into consumerism and with three kids in toe the last thing I want to do is take them shopping. Sign me up for simple sustainable gifts that you can make at home! {did I … [Read more...]
Welcome NM Green & Healthy Living Expo Friends!

Welcome to my blog, so glad for you to join me here. Did you take the Landscape Personality Quiz? What's yours? Need the Quiz, go here. Wanna learn more, click on the Landscape Personalities below and get inspired. Let's make this a great year for your yard! … [Read more...]
5 Sustainable tips you can do today!

Sustainable Tips to start right now! Snack and Food storage: Reuse your plastic ziplock bags by washing them out. Water re-use: Use a bucket to collect your bath/shower water while you are waiting for the water to warm up. Then use that water to water your plants, mop your house, … [Read more...]
Tuesday Tips: Brown, green and greywater

My side garden in Albuquerque, NM that is watered entirely by greywater. An inside look at the greywater plumbing behind the washing machine. The plumbing as it exits the house. Here is one method for installing a greywater system from the washing machine sewer drain pipe to your yard. … [Read more...]
Tuesday Tips: Got rain? Go grab that water.
Tuesday Tip’s: Sustainable Tip

Did you know that 75% of your mail goes into the trash (or recycle bin)? Save trees, unclultter your life, and protect your privacy by visiting www.Catalogchoice.com This free site helps you get rid of junk mail, useless catalog's, phone books, and much more. … [Read more...]
Sustainable Design

One of my first school science projects in grade school was on composting, in high school I spent my winter breaks tying Christmas trees together for use in gulf coast restoration, and in college I took an interest in land art in my free time. I've always been intrigued by how people … [Read more...]