This article was originally published on It is being re-published here for your use! Many homeowners would like a turf grass lawn, but might feel irresponsible watering a lawn in the arid Southwest. The key to choosing a turf grass is to determine the one most suited to the … [Read more...]
Best blog posts of 2015!

Happy New Year! I hope your year is off to a great start. My kiddos are back at school tomorrow (fingers crossed there is no snow delay) and I'm looking forward to getting into my weekly routine. 2015 was a big year here at I started the year by re-vamping the branding, … [Read more...]
My Maintenance Month: Final tasks (garden clean up)

The final task is to lay down a PRE-EMERGENT on my native grass lawns to prevent weed germination. I use the brand, Concern Weed Prevention Plus, it is a natural product using corn gluten meal to create a weed prevention fertilizer. Here is a little bit more information on the … [Read more...]