This article was originally published on It is being re-published here for your use! Many homeowners would like a turf grass lawn, but might feel irresponsible watering a lawn in the arid Southwest. The key to choosing a turf grass is to determine the one most suited to the … [Read more...]
4 Common Myths about Organic Mulch
Today I'm sharing this great article from 505Outside is a landscape resource brought to you by the Albuquerque Bernaillio County Water Authority. One of the best things for your yard is organic mulch. So why are so many people reluctant to use it? Here are the 4 myths: Myth … [Read more...]
Landscape design post round up

We've written a bunch of design articles over the past six years and I've found three of my favorites. Check them out below: The 3 D's of Landscape Design: Doodle, Delineate and Draw The Many Styles of Garden Design: Hint, there are 4 styles we love. Winter Dreaming and Landscape … [Read more...]
Spring: Let’s Irrigate

We're getting close to the official beginning of Spring and with that comes the need to get our irrigation systems turned back on. As you might recall, we turned off our systems (literally shut them down) back in November. Now that the chance of freeze is getting slimmer and our plants are greening … [Read more...]
Countdown to Spring Event!

It’s that time of year again, time to begin thinking about SPRING! Every year at this time I teach homeowners how to prepare their yards for Spring! ARE YOU READY TO GET STARTED? As you know, I strive to keep gardening and yard work to a minimal (whose got time for yard work?) and I believe that … [Read more...]
Fruit Tree Pruning in New Mexico

Pruning fruit trees in your yard is important for maintaining fruit production, tree health, aesthetics of having a nice small tree in your yard and preventing the branch breakage on trees under the weight of a heavy fruit year. Sometimes pruning fruit trees can do more harm than good. Always … [Read more...]
Eliminate Weeds from Your Yard

While we love the Winter rains cause they bring much needed moisture to our state they also bring the crazy late winter early spring weeds. So today we wanted to do a deep dive into all the typical weeds you see around Albuquerque. The first ones you'll see will be the mustard weed or london … [Read more...]
Landscape Trends for 2019

It's that time of year to reflect back on the year past and look forward to the newness of the year to come. I've scoured the web, reviewed the latest surveys and analyzed my clients this last year to come up with this fun list of the Landscape Trends for 2019. Judging from the beginning of this … [Read more...]
Top 4 posts of 2018

What a great year for My Landscape Coach. 2018 marked the continuation of providing quality digital content and in person education to thousands of homeowners. It also marked the beginning of creating another brand that will bring quality content about beautiful waterwise landscapes to homeowners. … [Read more...]
Winter Dreaming and Landscape Design

Happy New Year! Here in New Mexico we are having a very cold and snowy welcome into 2019! So snowy that many are choosing to spend it indoors relaxing. This makes it the perfect time to do some winter dreaming about your yard this year. There are a few things you can do right now while you stay … [Read more...]