We’re all spending a LOT more time at home these days due to COVID-19. Local playgrounds are a no go due to limiting the spread of the virus and many of us are finding refuge in our yards. Your yard may leave you feeling a bit overwhelmed right now because it’s not really landscaped or your excited to finally see your kids playing on all those cool things you built for them.
I’m the latter of the two. For years we’ve had a freaking awesome fort, zip line, swing set, slides, literally the WORKS but my kids would NEVER play on it unless their friends from the hood were over. In fact, their friends would beg them to play in our backyard. Sounds funny right, but my kids are social creatures and they absolutely LOVE being in the frontyard. They learned that frontyard fun brings all the neighborhood kids out to play.
Alas, because we are social distancing to flatten the curve of the coronovirus my kids aren’t playing with the neighbors and have actually found solace in their backyard playground. It’s about f’ing time. I digress.
Today I’m sharing what I think is by far the best outdoor toy ever plus a bunch of other cool play ideas for kids. Cause while we’re homeschooling our kids there better be a shit ton of recess in the schedule.
THE DISC SWING. Yes, this simple swing has brought so much joy to my kids, neighbors kids and friends. It’s the go to toy in the yard when the kids are bored. It doesn’t require adult supervision or pushing. You can DIY it with things you have in your house, get a second hand one, or order one online. (since we’re avoiding person to person contact right now).
You don’t have to actually have a landscaped yard for your kids to enjoy being outdoors. I’ve got three tips to get your family outdoors NOW. It involves ingredients you already have, dirt, water and rope.
Let’s not forget about your FRONT YARD.
Lots of transition in the country today has many people inspired to do more in their community. Did you know that you can have a similar effect by changing the way you USE your FRONTYARD? #frontyardliving
The front yard typically consists of a sidewalk, driveway, walkway to the front door, front landscape, front patio, porch or entry patio and the actual front door! There is a lot of space in the front yard that is not typically used.
FRONT YARD LIVING (with social distancing of course)
Want to know how to UNEARTH YOUR YARD’S POTENTIAL? Sign up below.
Join me as we Countdown to Spring!

I'll help you get your YARD ready for outdoor fun this Spring!