Composting in THREES



1.  Tools: pitchforks, square-point shovel, water hose with spray head.

2. Enclosure: Something that will keep the material contained and maintains moisture. i.e. chicken wire, tarp, black bin, upside down garbage can, etc.

3.Time: Composting takes time. Variables such as how often it’s turned, moisture level, and material size affect decomposition rates.


1.Browns: dead leaves, branches, and twigs

2.Greens: grass clippings, vegetable waste, fruit scraps, and coffee grounds

3. Water: Balance of water, greens and browns is composting key. {tip:keep compost moist.}


1.Location: A dry shady spot near a water source.

2.Add brown and green materials as they are collected. Chop or shred larger pieces. Moisten materials as they are added. {tip: fill compost container with water on your way out of the kitchen}

3.Turn the compost at least once a month.



browngreenmorecompostcompare Browngreenmorecompostbins1ps. I like having three piles. 1. a pile of brown material at the ready, 2. an active compost bin and 3. a dormant compost bin. This technique works really well in the southwest where things take longer to decompose.

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