There once was a man from Nantucket…..

I’m back from a very restful trip to Nantucket. As I was preparing to write this blog post, I’m reminded that no matter where we go we are surrounded by community. Whether it is a community of friends on vacation, tourists on bicycles, or fisherman on their skiffs. Each represent a different type of community that needs to be nourished. Perhaps that is with actual food or with creativity, it’s up to you to find your way. For some it’s writing, more specifically poetry.

Poetry is not always something you surround yourself with on a daily basis but when it’s in front of you how can you not embrace it?

Introducing a fun way to nourish the community around you. Build a poetry pole.


620This poetry pole, located in Albuquerque, NM, catches the eye, engages the passer by so they come in for a closer look then stay and linger. This pattern continues throughout the day as neighbors stop and share stories. Kiddos learning to read sound out the words of the poems while their younger siblings draw pictures and wait patiently to see if they’ll get posted.




621 622 623This is Building Community one pole at a time.

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