Sneak peak into the Landscape Design Course!

How is your yard doing these days? I’m thrilled about all the rain we’ve had here in the Southwest. I’ve been visiting many yards over the last few weeks and they are either in full bloom or full of healthy green weeds and dirt like the one below.


Does this sound like your yard? Hopefully not, but if so I can help.

Got weeds? Click here to get my FREE 3 ways to eliminate weeds ebook.

Overwhelmed by the yard & don’t know where to begin? Click here to get my FREE top 10 tips to transform your yard.

Want a quick tip now? Keep reading, I’m sharing a little sneak peak into my online design course below.

Tip 1 to transforming your yard is to DE-CLUTTER.

Gather similar things together.
Create a “keep” pile.
Eliminate what is left.
Put the grouped items away.
Donate, recycle or trash the stuff you eliminated.
These are the step-by-step ways to De-cluttering your yard. The online landscape design course goes into greater detail and includes before & after pictures of yards just like yours to help you visualize the possibilities. (It includes a worksheet that tells you where to donate, recycle or dispose of your stuff.)

Of course if you like learning via video, there’s one for each section that walks you through the steps, check out the de-clutter video below.

While I’m thrilled about all these recent rains and the rains to come, I’m even more excited to be sharing this sneak peak into my new online design course & workbook.

I want to help each and every one of you have the yard of your dreams where you can relax and entertain at your leisure.

Want in? At only $97 the course continues to be on sale the rest of the month of May. So don’t delay, the last day to purchase the course is May 29th!

Are you worried you don’t have time to take it or you still might not be able to design your yard? It’s okay, I’m here to coach you through it within our private Facebook group. Yes, each person registered in the course gets access to the private Facebook group where we share our stories and answer yard questions!

So jump on in the course and Facebook group today! I can’t wait to coach you through this.

Your landscape coach,

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